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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Hello followers I recently saw Eat Pray Love. The reason why I wanted to see this movie so badley is because it had Julia Roberts and I think she's a really good actor. This movie isn't really a children movie its more for grownups, but I also like those kind of movies. So this movie is about a lady named Liz who stops having an enjoyable life and doesn't see the meaning of it anymore. So she decides to travel the world to find the meaning of life and too enjoy it again. While she does this she goes to Italy to Eat a lot of good food, then she goes to India and she prays and connects more to god, and finally she ends the year in Bali where she finds the meaning of true love. This movie isn't a bad movie it's enjoyable and really funny but also kind of inaproprite because they talk about sex things and there is also nudity for example it shows a butt, but over all you guys should see it!

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I am a 15 year old boy that wants to share my beliefs & thoughts of the world with others.